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carrara treatment
Holistic Wellness Approach

At Carrara Treatment, our philosophy involves cultivating self-awareness and taking the time to understand and honor our authentic self. By practicing self-love and attunement, we can create a strong foundation for personal growth, build healthier relationships with others, and live a more fulfilling and balanced life. Our ultimate goal at Carrara Treatment Center is to teach people how to love themselves again and how to fall back in love with their life.

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At Carrara Treatment Wellness & Spa, we have a unique approach to treating substance use and mental health. Our Clinical Program incorporates Somatic Trauma Therapy, CBT, DBT, Exposure Therapy, Recovery-Based Groups, and Holistic Wellness to address the root causes of addiction. The Carrara staff have extensive experience working in the substance abuse field and have witnessed a recent increase in people entering treatment to address their underlying trauma and how it links to their addictive behaviors. They are eager to get started, many with unsuccessful past experiences in sobriety. They envision recounting their trauma-saturated story repeatedly, hoping to find relief but finding minimal resolution or progress. Fortunately, there are now other therapeutic interventions that can help address trauma, support recovery, and reduce recidivism in treatment.

Somatic Trauma Therapy was invented by renowned researcher Dr. Peter Levine, who has educated thousands about the human nervous system, how it works, and how it communicates with the brain. Dr. Levine studied animal behavior in the wild and specifically focused on how they resolve the overwhelming energy produced to ensure survival. He noted that animals in the wild physically shake to release excess energy following a stressful or dangerous event. The energy produced is essential to trigger the “fight, flight, or freeze” response, but as humans have evolved, the physical impact of stressors has lessened. This excess can result in energy manifesting as negative or uncomfortable feelings and thoughts. Humans have the same nervous systems as animals; they have the same energy that needs to be released following a stressor but rarely slow down and pay attention to how their body is focusing excess energy. Dr. Levine believed that our ability to override this innate mechanism for self-care is, for many of us, what sets the stage for PTSD.

Carrara has incorporated Dr. Levine’s research with traditional therapeutic practices, with somatic, physical, wellness treatments. Our program focuses on healing the root causes of addiction by utilizing evidence-based therapies, holistic modalities, and proven somatic treatments.

Our professional and friendly counselors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Difference Between Trauma and PTSD?

A traumatic event, either experienced or witnessed, will occur before PTSD can set in. However, at the same time, just because someone experiences trauma, it is not a guarantee that they will also experience PTSD. Whether or not they do will depend on the individual because we all respond differently to trauma. Some of us have greater innate resilience to it than others. The good news is that for those of us born without innate resilience to it, Somatic Experience is a way to develop resilience.

What is Somatic Experiencing (SE)?

Somatic: Merriam-Webster defines somatic as “of, relating to, or affecting the body..”

Somatic Experiencing expands the focus of therapy to include the bodily energy created by trauma and seeks to repair and complete the natural cycle our bodies possess to release it. It also follows a less direct and more incremental approach to revisiting trauma, especially in comparison to Exposure Therapy. Somatic Experiencing helps individuals build awareness, coherence, and self-regulation. The result is a deeper understanding of the body/mind connection with improved ability to release and regulate emotions. It also helps individuals manage stress, resolve issues related to their trauma, heal from and learn how to navigate life transitions, improve relationships, and build resilience.


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