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Rehab Fitness Facilities and Trainers

If you’re deep in addiction, chances are you aren’t doing anything to keep yourself fit and healthy – you’re doing the exact opposite of what your body needs to thrive. The sedentary behavior of most addicts, combined with weight loss, or severe weight gain, leaves you looking and feeling out of shape.

The Carrara team understands your body isn’t up to its usual standards of excellence, and they’ll help you get back in shape. Every Carrara location is an upscale rehab with personal training and a complete gym on the premises.

Getting fit and strong is an essential part of your recovery. Addicts are so locked in the mental aspect of their affliction that they don’t really consider the damage they’re doing to their physiology and health. During your recovery, you’ll realize how essential physical fitness is to maintain better mental health, giving you the confidence to embrace sobriety in your life.

Reconnecting with your physiology is a core component of the Carrara treatment program, and that’s why you get a complete gym and personal trainer in rehab when you stay with us.

The intertwinement of health and fitness form the crossroads that make all the difference to your recovery outcome. When you master your body’s energy systems, you’ll feel great, probably better than you have in many years.

The endorphins and neurotransmitters released during exercise bring you joy, and light up your brain with pleasure. By keeping up with your exercise regimen after leaving our facility, you give yourself a better chance of experiencing a lasting recovery.

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(888) 383-5207

All treatments and services are for adults only.

The Carrara Luxury Gym: A Safe Space for Wellness and Recovery

Carrara luxury rehab fitness facilities give you a private gym in drug rehab. That’s a big deal. Most other recovery facilities don’t offer this service, instead they focus solely on treating the clients mind and dealing with their thought processes. 

While we believe balancing your headspace is paramount to achieving a sustainable, long-lasting recovery, it’s attacking the problem on a single front. At Carrara, we believe the path to sustainable sobriety is more holistic, requiring you to get both your mind and body in the right space to achieve the best result with your treatment. 

Carrara is a luxury rehab with personal training services and a complete gym available on-site. You don’t have to drive to a fitness location and surround yourself with the buff guys and girls that make you feel insecure about your health and fitness. 

When you have the gaze of fitness freaks judging you from every angle, you’ll probably end up throwing in the towel on your fitness goals. That’s a big mistake when it comes to the success of your recovery.

As part of a customized exercise therapy program, our in-house gym features state-of-the-art equipment, and a judgment-free atmosphere where you can focus on getting your body back to full health instead of wondering what other people are thinking about you. Everyone in the gym is there to achieve the same goal as you – recovery. When you’re working out around like-minded people you can focus on your workout and achieve your goal of getting sober through physically rebuilding the mind-muscle connection.

Our gym and personal training services will show you the damage you’ve done to yourself and how it’s affecting your health. They’ll create a custom training plan and nutrition guide tailored to your unique requirements. Carrara offers you the opportunity to fully recover your mind and body, one day at a time.

Personalized Fitness Plans from Your Dedicated Personal Trainer

Our gym is available to you around the clock. You might find it hard to get back into enjoying workouts, and that’s why your stay at Carrara includes personal training to help you bring your physiology and mental health back to a time before you found yourself lost in the grip of addiction.

Having a personal trainer at luxury rehab is a blessing. If you’re not used to going to the gym, or you’ve never done a squat in your life, that’s okay. You get personalized fitness in luxury rehab facilities, tailored to your fitness level and experience. 

The process to better physical health starts with a comprehensive assessment of your physiology and energy systems by your personal trainer. They’ll outline what they feel you need to work on to bring your body back to health. 

The benefits of having a personal trainer in luxury rehab are huge for your recovery, and a successful outcome leading you into a sober lifestyle. With your personal trainer at our Carrara gym, you’ll get a customized workout plan, designed to build muscle strength, increase flexibility, and build back your endurance. 

Your personal trainer doesn’t use cookie-cutter workout plans, they tailor every movement in your workout around the areas of your body that you need to strengthen. Our experienced personal trainers know what it takes to get you back in shape in the fastest time possible. By the time you leave our treatment program, you’ll be feeling more alive and connected to your physiology than you have in years. 

You don’t need to worry about anything. Your personal trainer designs your workout program, but they won’t throw you off the deep end, they’ll work with you to ensure you’re getting the best results possible from the time you spend in the gym. 

Your personal trainer instructs you on using the proper form and the right technique to approach exercises. They not only build your strength and stamina, but they look to enhance your balance, improve your posture, and rebalance the body’s energy systems. 

Your personal trainer works with the medical team and the chef at Carrara, they’ll give the chef instructions on the macronutrient and calorie profile of your meals to optimize your nutrition. You’ll get frequent assessments throughout your mission to get back to full health, ensuring you’re making visible, notable progress along your journey to a full recovery.

The Role of Exercise in Lasting Recovery

You can improve your fitness and recovery in upscale rehab facilities at Carrara. Our luxury fitness rehab programs focus on rebuilding you from the ground up. Our personal training staff takes the approach of rebuilding both your body and mind. It’s amazing how strong the link is between physical and mental health, and our team understands what it takes to strengthen and fortify that link during your recovery program. 

After you finish your workout, you’ll feel great. Our trainers know how to move your body and energy systems without leaving you feeling like you’ve been run over a truck after your workout. You get a slow and steady progression, monitored by your trainer, to ensure you’re making consistent progress towards achieving your fitness and wellness goals. 

When you’re physically fit, you’ll find you feel more at peace with yourself, and you’re willing to tough it out through sticky situations when others would relapse. The Carrara team wants to build back your mental health and your physical health for a holistic wellness solution that delivers lasting results for your body and mind.


Understanding the Additional Benefits of Physical Fitness Programs at Carrara

Exercise is the easiest way to take control over your hormonal and neurotransmitter output. You’ll feel the difference in your body and mind after the first session as your blood pressure starts to drop to healthy levels. You’ll also notice improved sleep and better digestion as your metabolic health kicks things up a gear.

Your metabolic health is critical to your recovery and defines the rate at which your body can heal. Our trainers and chef design workouts and meal plans that bolster your metabolic health, removing the risk of disease and dysfunction.


Water Drink with Orange Peel

Why Nutrition Matters to Your Physical Fitness

It’s no good working out, only to hit the local In-N-Out for a double-double and Animal Style fries after your workout. Your body needs high-quality fuel to recover from your workouts, and that’s where our private chef steps into your wellness and fitness program.

Your trainer collaborates with your chef to ensure you’re getting the right amount of protein, carbs, and healthy fats in your diet. The quality of the nutrients you consume during your recovery plays a tremendous role in sustaining a beneficial outcome. 

Eating well doesn’t have to mean you’re munching on rice cakes and celery all day. Our chefs and personal trainers understand the power of food on your body, and how it helps your recovery. You’ll enjoy tasty, customized nutritious meals that push you along the path to achieving holistic wellness for your physiology and mental health.

Embrace Holistic Wellness for Improved Treatment Success

After learning how gym services in rehab improve addiction treatment outcomes, it makes sense to include holistic fitness programs in rehab for the best possible outcome. Fitness programs in addiction treatment give you the chance to reconnect with your body, building your strength physically and emotionally to help you take back control of your life. 

The holistic path to wellness and sobriety doesn’t end in the gym. By combining rigorous exercise with other therapies like yoga, mindfulness, and breathing, you’ll supercharge your body with energy that leaves you feeling younger and full of life. 

When you’re physically fit and understand how your body’s energy systems work, you’re positioning yourself for a successful recovery that lasts. 

When you’re ready to reach out for help, we’ll be there for you. Contact the Carrara team today and we’ll show you how you can turn your life around and experience a full recovery from addiction through the power of holistic wellness.

Leverage The Biochemical Link Between Exercise and Better Mental Health

There’s more to managing your mental health than meeting with a therapist. The brain is the powerhouse of your recovery plan, and exercise helps you restore its hormonal and neurotransmitter production. 

But are hormones and neurotransmitters, and why do you need them? Exercise does way more for your physiology than making you feel fit. It creates a cocktail of biochemicals that affect your mental health and well-being.

Here’s a bit of a deeper dive into these biochemicals and how they enhance your physical and mental state, leading you along the path to sobriety and a full recovery.


This hormone makes us feel happy and content with life. It’s the hormone responsible for keeping you locked in the cycle of addiction as you crave the next hit or drink to chase the pleasurable feeling created by your addiction. However, when you learn to leverage dopamine the right way and manage how your brain produces it, it becomes a powerful enforcer of your recovery.


Addicts fry their serotonin production through their commitment to their addiction. This neurotransmitter is mostly produced in the gut and contributes to your mood, sleep quality, and digestion. When you’re low on serotonin, you find it hard to sleep, you’re moody all the time, and you have trouble eating. Exercise promotes serotonin release and supports receptor health, ensuring your body has the capacity to use the neurotransmitters released in the brain and gut.


Addicts frequently feel paranoid and on-edge. The reason this behavior occurs is due to the damage addiction does to the parasympathetic (PNS) and sympathetic (SNS) nervous systems. The SNS is responsible for generating the “fight-or-flight” survival response, wearing you out fast. That’s why you feel frazzled all the time. By learning how to balance the SNS and PNS, you’ll exercise a sensation of calm and confidence as your stress levels decline. 

BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor)

Addiction takes a heavy toll on the brain, nervous system, and hormone production. The brain is responsible for signaling the release of the hormones and neurotransmitters we’ve discussed thus far. Working out increases the production of BDNF, which is responsible for building neurons and neural pathways in the brain.


No, these aren’t cannabis compounds, they’re naturally occurring neurotransmitters in the body that dock with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS plays a huge role in pain suppression, so you can think of endocannabinoids as your body’s built-in pain management system.


We’ve already discussed the critical role of endorphins, so we’ll skip this one.

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