Fraud Blocker
/ September 12, 2024
Addiction’s Hidden Bond: Celebrities and the Everyday Individual

Beyond the Spotlight: The Universal Face of Addiction Addiction is a deeply human experience that transcends fame, wealth, and social status. While celebrity deaths around addiction often make headlines, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the loss of life among everyday...

/ September 12, 2024
Celebrities Who Tragically Lost Their Lives to Addiction

Who are some celebrities who have tragically succumbed to addiction? Addiction has claimed the lives of many celebrated figures, leaving behind a legacy of talent cut short and raising important conversations about the dangers of substance abuse. These tragic...

/ July 9, 2024
Role of Religion and Community in Drug Addiction Recovery

How Can Religion Support Individuals Struggling with Drug Addiction? Religion can be a potent tool in supporting individuals grappling with drug addiction. It often provides a sense of purpose and hope, and a higher power to rely on for...

/ July 8, 2024
Exploring the Stigma of Drug Addiction

What is the Stigma Associated with Drug Addiction? The stigma associated with drug addiction refers to the negative attitudes or beliefs that unfairly discredit individuals struggling with substance use disorders. This stigma often manifests as judgment, discrimination, and social...

/ June 23, 2024
Family of Origin Considerations for Recovery

What is the Role of Family of Origin in Recovery? The family of origin plays a significant role in recovery as it is the primary source of a person’s belief systems, values, and behaviors. Understanding the influence of the...

/ May 13, 2024
Relapse Prevention Plan

Relapse prevention is an integral component of a comprehensive substance abuse treatment plan and the goal for a treatment episode. Relapse prevention involves a strategic approach to identify and manage triggers that could lead to relapse. An initiative-taking stance...

/ May 13, 2024
The 4th Wave of The Drug Epidemic

Urine drug tests are revealing a disturbing trend in the United States. We are knee-deep in what some experts are calling the opioid epidemic’s “fourth wave”. This is not only placing victims at greater risk, but poses a new...

/ May 9, 2024
Exploring the Stages of Change in Addiction Recovery

The Stages of Change (also called The Transtheoretical model) was developed by James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente in the late 1970s, describes the five changes an individual will go through when changing a behavior. The Stages of Change offers...