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What is the Human-Animal Bond?

The human-animal bond is a mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between people and animals. It provides significant mental, physical, and social health benefits for both. This bond has evolved over 15,000 years, starting as a working relationship and now observed in various settings like emotional support, therapy, and service animals.

  • Working relationship: The human-animal bond began as a working relationship where animals provided protection and service to people, such as tracking and herding, hunting and killing rodents, and providing comfort and security.
  • Emotional support: Animals provide emotional support, improving mental health and coping during crises.
  • Therapy and service animals: Animals play a crucial role in therapy and as service animals, aiding in the healing process for people who experience abuse or trauma.

How does the Human-Animal Bond Benefit Health?

The human-animal bond can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and increase oxytocin levels in humans. It also encourages physical activity and exercise, improving overall health. The bond provides companionship, emotional support, and a sense of security, especially for the elderly, children, and those experiencing trauma or crisis. 

  • Physical health: Interaction with animals can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, and increase oxytocin levels. Dogs, in particular, motivate their owners to be more active, improving overall health.
  • Mental health: The human-animal bond provides companionship and emotional support, improving mental health and social development.
  • Social health: The bond can provide a sense of security, especially for the elderly, children, and those experiencing trauma or crisis.

What is the Role of the Human-Animal Bond in Crisis Situations?

The human-animal bond aids in recovery and coping during crisis situations. The presence of a pet can provide structure, support, and aid mental health, while the loss of a pet can negatively impact recovery. However, the fear of separation from a pet can discourage people from seeking help during a crisis.

  • Recovery: The presence of a pet can aid in recovery and coping during crisis situations, providing structure and support.
  • Mental health: Pets can aid mental health during crises. However, the loss of a pet can negatively impact recovery.
  • Separation fear: The fear of separation from a pet can discourage people from seeking help during a crisis.

What is the HABRI and HABSCORE?

The Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) promotes the human-animal bond. The HABSCORE examines the human-animal bond across four dimensions: attachment, humanization, commitment, and integration. The total average HABSCORE is high at 57.9/70.0, indicating the human-animal bond is strong globally.

  • HABRI: The Human Animal Bond Research Institute promotes the human-animal bond.
  • HABSCORE: The HABSCORE examines the human-animal bond across four dimensions: attachment, humanization, commitment, and integration.
  • Global strength: The total average HABSCORE is high at 57.9/70.0, indicating the human-animal bond is strong globally.

What are the Challenges of the Human-Animal Bond?

While the human-animal bond has many benefits, it can also present challenges. The fear of separation from a pet can discourage people from seeking help during a crisis. Programs that address pet safety and remove cost barriers are important to encourage help-seeking while preserving the bond.

  • Separation fear: The fear of separation from a pet can discourage people from seeking help during a crisis.
  • Pet safety: Programs that address pet safety are important to encourage help-seeking.
  • Cost barriers: Removing cost barriers is important to preserve the human-animal bond while encouraging help-seeking.

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