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Britney Elyse

About: Britney Elyse

Britney Elyse has over 15 years experience in mental health and addiction treatment. Britney completed her undergraduate work at San Francisco State University and her M.A. in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University. Britney worked in the music industry for several years prior to discovering her calling as a therapist. Britney's background in music management, gave her first hand experience working with musicians impacted by addiction. Britney specializes in treating trauma using Somatic Experiencing and evidence based practices. Britney’s work begins with forming a strong therapeutic alliance to gain trust and promote change. Britney has given many presentations on somatic therapy in the treatment setting to increase awareness and decrease the stigma of mental health issues. A few years ago, Britney moved into the role of Clinical Director and found her passion in supervising the clinical team. Britney’s unique approach to client care, allows us to access and heal, our most severe cases with compassion and love. Prior to join the Carrara team, Britney was the Clinical Director of a premier luxury treatment facility with 6 residential houses and an outpatient program
/ June 24, 2024
Ethology and Human-Animal Interaction

Ethology provides crucial insights into human-animal interactions. The Integrative Model of Human-Animal Interactions (IMHAI) combines ethology, neuroscience, and psychology to understand the emotional dynamics involved. Pioneers like Konrad Lorenz and Niko Tinbergen laid the foundation, shaping our understanding of...

/ June 23, 2024
Best Companion Animals

What Makes a Good Companion Animal? Good companion animals are those that fit well with your lifestyle, preferences, and specific needs. They should be affectionate, easy to train, compatible with your daily routine, good with children if applicable, low...

/ June 23, 2024
Family of Origin Considerations for Recovery

What is the Role of Family of Origin in Recovery? The family of origin plays a significant role in recovery as it is the primary source of a person’s belief systems, values, and behaviors. Understanding the influence of the...

/ June 22, 2024
Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Therapy

What is Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Therapy? Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that utilizes outdoor activities to promote physical, social, and psychological well-being. It encompasses a wide range of activities such as hiking, gardening,...

/ June 22, 2024
Impact of Stress and Trauma on Nutrition

How Does Traumatic Stress Impact Eating Behavior? Traumatic stress can significantly influence eating behavior, often leading to adverse health consequences over time. It can trigger coping strategies such as consuming unhealthy foods like sweets and high-fat foods to deal...

/ June 21, 2024
Exercise Therapy for Substance Abuse

How Can Exercise be an Effective Complementary Therapy for Substance Abuse? Exercise has been found to be a potent complementary therapy for substance abuse. It can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms, curb cravings, and replace unhealthy habits and triggers associated...

/ June 20, 2024
What is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)?

What is Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)? Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a group program that utilizes meditation and yoga techniques to aid individuals in stress reduction. Often combined with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for a very effective stress reduction protocol....

/ June 18, 2024
Cultural and Diversity Considerations in Recovery

How Does Cultural Identity Influence Recovery? In the context of recovery, cultural identity can play a significant role. A full recovery may involve reconnecting to one’s cultural identity or recommitting to spiritual or religious practices. The perception of mental...

/ June 17, 2024
Animal-Assisted Interventions

Animal-assisted interventions (AAI) encompass a diverse array of activities integrating animals into therapy and education. From animal-assisted therapy (AAT) to educational sessions (AAE) and interactive activities (AAA), these interventions aim to foster human wellness with the support of trained...